original | ++ | kritisch ediert | -- | bezeugt, aber nicht überliefert | |
zweifelhaft | + | ediert | - | im Manuskript | |
nicht original | # | Sammelband | ? | keine Angaben |
? | [<Abhandlung über die Seele> |
? | [<Abschiedsbrief>] |
++ | [<Epistola "continuatis intellectus cum homine">] Synonym: [<Man's Contact with the Intellect>], Epistola de continuatione intellectus cum homine, Ittisâl al-'aql bi'l-insân; |
++ | [<Kommentar zu Aristoteles, De generatione et corruptione>] Synonym: Commentary on Aristotle’s ›On Generation and Corruption‹; |
? | [<Kommentar zu Aristoteles, De partibus animalium>] |
? | [<Kommentar zu Aristoteles, Meteorologica>] |
? | [<Kommentar zu Aristoteles, Physica>] |
++ | [<On the Human Goal>] Synonym: Fi'l-ghāyati'l-insāniyyah; |
+ | [<Über die Lebensführung des Einsiedlers>] Synonym: [<The Regimen of the Solitary>], Tadbïru'l - Mutawahhid; |
++ | [<Über die Vereinigung der Seele mit der aktiven Vernunft>] Synonym: [<Recognition of the Active Intellect>], Al-Wuqūf 'ala'l-'aql al-fa ''āl; |
+ | Carmina |
++ | Fons vitae Synonym: De fonte vitae, De forma et materia, De materia et forma, Fons sapientiae, Liber fontis vitae; |
? | De scientia voluntatis |
++ | ['Ilm ṣinā'at al-mūsiqī] Synonym: <Science of the Art of Music>; |
++ | ['Uyūn al-ḥikma] Synonym: <Sources of Wisdom>; |
++ | [Ḥayy ibn Yaqẓān] Synonym: <Der Lebende, Sohn des Wachenden>, Hayy ibn Yagzan; |
++ | [<Autobiographie>] Synonym: <Lebenslauf>; |
++ | [<Fragmente zur Koran-Exegese>] |
++ | [Aḥwāl al-nafs] |
++ | [Ajwibat 'an 'ashar masā'il] Synonym: <Answers to 10 Questions>; |
++ | [Ajwibat 'an sit 'ashrata masā'il] Synonym: <Answers to 16 Questions>; |
++ | [Ajwibat masă'il sa'ala 'anhā Abū Rīhān] Synonym: <Answers to Questions Asked by Abū Rīhān>, <Correspndence with al-Bīrūnī>; |
+ | [Al-'ahd] Synonym: <The Pact>; |
++ | [Al-'uqūl] Synonym: <The Intellects>; |
+ | [Al-ālāt al-raṣdiyya] Synonym: <Astronomical Instruments>; |
++ | [Al-Ṭayr] Synonym: <The Bird>; |
++ | [Al-ajrām al-'ulwiyya] Synonym: <The Celestial Bodies>; |
++ | [Al-Akhlāq] Synonym: <Ethik>; |
++ | [Al-birr wa 'l-ithm] |
++ | [Al-dhikr] Synonym: <Invocation of God>; |
++ | [Al-du'ā] Synonym: <Prayer of Supplication>; |
++ | [Al-Iksīr] Synonym: <Elixir>; |
- | [Al-inṣāf] Synonym: <Buch des unparteiischen Urteils>, Kitāb al-inṣāf; |
++ | [Al-mabda wa 'l-ma'ād] Synonym: Al-mabda' wa al-ma'ād; |
+ | [Al-majmū'] Synonym: Al-ḥikma al-'Arūḍiyya; |
++ | [Al-Malā'ika] Synonym: <The Angels>; |
+ | [Al-masā'il al-gharbiyya] Synonym: <Occidental Questions>; |
++ | [Al-mawā'iẓ] Synonym: <Ermahnungen>, <Exhortations>; |
++ | [Al-Nīrūziyya] Synonym: <The New Year Treatise>; |
? | [Al-Nabẓ] Synonym: <The Pulse>; |
+ | [Al-Qūlanj] Synonym: <Colic>; |
++ | [Al-Qaḍā wa 'l-qadar] Synonym: <Divine Decree and Predestionation>; |
++ | [Al-Qaṣīda al-'ayniyya] Synonym: <Poem on the Soul>; |
++ | [Al-siyāsa] Synonym: <Politik>; |
++ | [Al-wird al-a'zam] Synonym: <The Most Important Prayer>; |
++ | [Aqwāl al-shaykh fī 'l-ḅikma] Synonym: <Aphorisms of the Shaykh on Wisdom>; |
++ | [Asbāb ḥudūth al-ḥurūf] Synonym: <Causes of the Production of Sounds>, <On Phonetics>; |
+ | [Asbāb al-ra'd] Synonym: <Causes of Thunder>; |
++ | [Ash'ār al-shaykh] Synonym: <Poems of the Shaykh>; |
++ | [Bayān 'illat qiyām al-arḍ fī wasaṭ al-samā] Synonym: <Demonstration of the Cause of the Earth's Position in the Midst of the Heaven>; |
++ | [Dānesh-Nāmeh] Synonym: <Das Buch des Wissens für Ala>, Dānesh-Nāmeh Alā'ī, Danis nama-i Ala'i; |
++ | [Daf' al-maḍār al-kulliyyat 'an al-abdān al-insaniyya] Synonym: <Repulsion of General Harms from Human Bodies>; |
++ | [Fī māhiyyat al-ḥuzn] Synonym: <On the Nature of Sorrow>; |
++ | [Ijābat al-du'ā wa kayfiyyat al-ziyāra] Synonym: <Fulfilment of Prayer, and how to visit Tombs>; |
++ | [Ishārāt wa-Tanbīhāt] Synonym: <Beweise und Behauptungen>, <Das Buch der Anweisungen und Mahnungen>, Al-Isarat wa'-Tanbihat, Kitab al Isarat wa t-tanbihat; |
++ | [Ithbāt al-nubuwwa] Synonym: <Proof of Prophecies>; |
++ | [Kitāb al-Ḥudūd] Synonym: <Book of Definitions>; |
++ | [Kitāb al-Hidāya] Synonym: <Book of Guidance>; |
++ | [Māhiyyat al-ṣalāt] Synonym: <The Quiddity of Prayer>; |
+ | [Maqāla fī 'l-nafs] |
++ | [Masā'il 'an aḥwāl al-rūḥ] Synonym: <Questions on the State of the Spirit>; |
+ | [Mashriqiyyūn] |
+ | [Mubāḥathāt] |
++ | [Naṣā'iḥ al-ḥukamā'i lil-Iskandar] Synonym: <Advices of hte Sages to Alexander>; |
++ | [Najāt] Synonym: <Das Buch der Rettung>, Al-Nagat, Al-najāt min al-gharq fī baḥr al ḍalālāt; |
++ | [Risāla al-'arshiyya] Synonym: <Treatise of the Throne>; |
++ | [Risāla al-aḍḥawiyya fī 'l-ma'ād] Synonym: <Treatise on Return>; |
++ | [Risāla al-manāmiyya] Synonym: <Treatise concerning Dreams>; |
++ | [Risāla al-tamjīd] Synonym: <Of Glorification>; |
++ | [Risāla al-wus'a] Synonym: <Treatise of Spaciousness>; |
++ | [Risāla ba'ḍū al-afāḍīl] Synonym: <Threatise of Some Learned Men>; |
++ | [Risāla fī 'l-'ishq] Synonym: <Treatise on Love>, Risāla fī māhīyat al-'ishq; |
++ | [Risāla fī 'l-ṭīb] Synonym: <On Perfume>; |
++ | [Risāla fī 'l-af'āl wa 'l-infī'ālāt] Synonym: <Treatise on Actions and Passions>; |
++ | [Risāla fī 'l-hay'a] Synonym: <On Astronomy>; |
++ | [Risāla fī 'l-nafs] Synonym: <Letter on the Disappearance of the Vain Intelligible Forms after Death>, <Letter on the Soul>; |
+ | [Risāla fī 'l-Sa'āda wa 'l-ḥujaj al-ashara] Synonym: <On Happiness, and the Ten Arguments>; |
-- | [Risāla fī ḥujaj al-muthbitīn lil-māḍī mabda'an zamāniyyan] Synonym: <On the Proof of those who affirm that the Past has a Temporal Beginning>; |
++ | [Risāla fī aqsām al-'ulūm al'aqliyya] Synonym: <On the Division of the Intellectual Sciences>; |
++ | [Risāla ilā al-Barqī] Synonym: <Letter to al-Berqī>; |
++ | [Risāla ilā ibn Kākawayh] Synonym: <Brief an ibn Kākawayh>; |
+ | [Risāla ilā J. al-Kiyā] Synonym: <Brief an al-Kiyā]; |
++ | [Salāmān wa-Absāl] Synonym: <Salmān und Absāl>; |
++ | [Sirr al-qadar] Synonym: <Secret of Destiny>; |
++ | [Siyāsat al-badan wa faḍ ā'il al-sharab] Synonym: <The Conduct of the Body, and the Qualities of Wine>; |
++ | [Ta'aqqub al -mawdi' al-jadalī] Synonym: <Investigation of the Dialectical Topos>; |
++ | [Ta'līqāt] Synonym: Al-Ta'līqāt; |
++ | [Tadbīr al-musāfirīn] Synonym: <Directory for Travellers>; |
++ | [Tadbīr manzil al-'askar] Synonym: <Preparation of the Camp Site of the Army>; |
++ | [Urjūza fī 'l-fuṣūl al-arba'a] Synonym: <Poem on the Four Seasons>; |
+ | [Urjūza fī 'l-manṭiq] Synonym: <Poem on Logic>; |
++ | [Urjūza fīk 'l-tashrīḥ] Synonym: <Poem on Anatomy>; |
++ | [Urjūza laṭīfa fī qadāyā Ibuqrāt al-khams wa 'l-'ishrīn] Synonym: <Elegant Poem on 25 Sentences of Hippocrates>; |
+ | <Rhetorik-Fragmente> |
+ | Cantica medicinae Synonym: al-Arguza, Cantica de medicina, Urjūza fī 'l-ṭibb; |
+ | De caelo et mundo Synonym: Liber secundus naturalium; |
+ | De convenientia et differentia scientiarum Synonym: De convenientia et differentia subiectorum; |
++ | De generatione et corruptione Synonym: Liber tertius naturalium; |
-- | De universalibus |
+ | De viribus cordis Synonym: Al-adwiya al-qalbiyya, De medicina cordialibus, Risāla al-adwiya al-qalbiyya; |
+ | Isagoge Synonym: Capitulum de excitando ad scientias, Capitulum de intrando apud scientias; |
+ | Liber Canonis medicinae Synonym: Al-qānūn fī 'l-ṭibb, Canon medicinae, Liber Canonis; |
++ | ['Uyūn al-Masā'il] Synonym: <Major Questions>; |
++ | [Al-'ilm al-ladunī] Synonym: <Mystic Knowledge>; |
++ | [Al-firdaws fī māhiyya al-insān] Synonym: <Paradise with Respect to the Human Nature>; |
+ | [Majmū' ibn Sīnā al-kubrā] Synonym: <Compendium of Ibn Sīnā "The Older">; |
++ | [Risāla al-alwāḥīyya] Synonym: <Treatise in the Shape of Tables>; |
++ | [Risāla fī ma'rifat al-nafs al-nāṭiqa wa-aḥwālihā] Synonym: <On the Knowledge of the Rational Soul, and its States>; |
? | <Abbreviatio von Aristoteles, De animalibus> Incipit: Et animalium quaedam communicant in membris sicut equus; |
+ | De anima in arte alchemia |
+ | Epistola ad Hasen regem |
++ | [Al-mu'jizāt wa 'l-karāmāt] Synonym: <Miracles and Prodigies>; |
++ | [Daf' al-hamm 'inda wuqū'i al-mawt] Synonym: <Deliverance of Death-fear>; |
++ | [Kalimāt aṣ-ṣufiyya] Synonym: <Sufistic Sayings>; |
++ | [Ma'ārija al-quds fī madārij ma'rifat al-nafs] Synonym: <Stairs of Sanctity in the Degrees of Knowledge of the Soul>; |
++ | [Mi'raj Nāmeh] Synonym: <The Book of Ascent>; |
++ | [Mukhtasar Arisṭū fī 'l-nafs] Synonym: <Summary of Aristotle on the Soul>; |
++ | [Risāla al-mabda wa 'l-ma'ād] Synonym: <Treatise on the Origin and the Return>; |
++ | [Zafar Nāmeh] Synonym: <Book of Victory>; |
++ | De caelo et mundo |
+ | De causis primis et secundis et de fluxu qui consequitur eas Synonym: De intelligentiis, Liber Avicennae in primis et secundis substantiis et de fluxu entis; |
+ | Physiognomia III Incipit: Elegans est nature cognicio ...; |
+ | Prologus |
+ | Isagoge Synonym: Capitulum de excitando ad scientias, Capitulum de intrando apud scientias; |
-- | De universalibus |
+ | De convenientia et differentia scientiarum Synonym: De convenientia et differentia subiectorum; |
+ | <Rhetorik-Fragmente> |
+ | Physica Synonym: Collectio secunda naturalium, Liber primus naturalium, Sufficientia, Sufficientia Physicorum; |
+ | De caelo et mundo Synonym: Liber secundus naturalium; |
++ | De generatione et corruptione Synonym: Liber tertius naturalium; |
++ | De actionibus et passionibus qualitatum primarum Synonym: Liber quartus naturalium; |
+ | De congelatione et conglutinatione lapidum Synonym: De mineralibus, Liber de congelatis; |
++ | De diluviis |
++ | Liber meteorum |
++ | Liber de anima seu sextus de naturalibus Synonym: De visu, Liber sextus de collectione naturalium, Liber sextus naturalium; |
- | Liber de vegetabilibus Synonym: Septimus de naturalibus, Septimus naturalium; Incipit: Sequitur tractare utiliter de vegetabilibus ...; |
+ | Liber de animalibus Synonym: De natura animalium, Liber octavus de naturalibus, Liber octavus naturalium; |
++ | Metaphysica Synonym: Collectio quarta de scientia divina, Liber de philosophia prima sive scientia divina; |