Kurzer Aufenthalt am Hof des Schahs von Chowaresa, verfolgt von Sultan Mohamed Gazaavi. Zuflucht bei der Buyiden-Höfer in Rayy (bei Teheran) und Hamadan (= Ekbatane) mit Unterbrechungen bis 1021.
Geboren in Afsana bei Buchara. Der Vater war Verwaltungsbeamter in der Sassaniden-Dynastie; der Sekte der Ismailiten nahestehend.
Als Zehnjähriger konnte er den Koran und mehrere literarische Bücher auswendig.
Fall des Sassaniden-Reiches. Avicenna muß Buchara verlassen.
Arzt und Philosoph. Erfolgreiche Behandlung des Emire von Chorasan. Nachfolger seines Vaters als Verwaltungsbeamter und Ratgeber.
Wesir von Chams-al-Danla in Hamadan. Tod seines Gönners.
Polit. Asyl bei dem Buyiden Ala Al-Danla in Isfahar.
Gestorben und begraben in Hamadan.
"Tausende von Nachrichten, Notizen, Zitaten sind von ihm in der ganzen islamischen Literatur zerstreut, weshalb es für ihn wie für Gazali eine völlige Unmöglichkeit bleibt, eine vollständige Bibliographie zu sammeln." [Horten (1958), 307]
"über 100 authentischen Schriften (neben ebensovielen Spuria handschriftlich erhalten, nur z. T. gedruckt" [Endreß (1980), 1299].
"Seine absolute, innere Bedeutung ist die eines epochalen Denkers, einer der ersten Größen der Menschheit überhaupt." [Horten (1958), 307]
"einflußreichster Philosoph und Arzt des islamischen Ostens im Mittelalter" [Endreß (1980), 1298sq.].
"Avicenna´s commentaries on Aristotle are lost, and none of the extant books by him can count as a paraphrase of an Aristotelian work." [Hasse (2000), 67]
Bei Meister Eckhart nahezu 100 Avicenna-Zitate. Eckhart: "höher meister" (Pred. 18; DW I, 300, 3). Johannes Blund studiert Aristoteles und Avicenna vor 1210. Mehr als 200 Titel [Anavati (1950)].
Ausgabe "Avicenna Latinus":
1.1 Liber de Anima seu Sextus de Naturalibus. Partes I-III, 1972
1.2 Liber de Anima seu Sextus de Naturalibus. Partes IV-V, 1968
1.3 Liber de philosophia prima sive scientia divina. Tractatus I-IV, 1983
1.4 Liber de philosophia prima sive scientia divina. Tractatus V-X, 1980
1.5 Liber de philosophia prima sive scientia divina. Tractatus I-X: Lexiques, 1983
1.6 Liber tertius naturalium de generatione et corruptione, 1987
1.7 Liber quartus naturalium de actionibus et passionibus qualitatum primarum, 1989
1.8 Liber primus naturalium de causis et prinicpiis naturalium, 1992
1.9 Codices, 1994
1.10 Liber primus naturalium. Tractatus secundus. De motu et de consimilibus, 2006
1.11 Liber primus naturalium. Tractatus tertius. De his quae habent naturalia ex hoc quod habent quantitatem, 2017
++ | ['Ilm ṣinā'at al-mūsiqī] Synonym: <Science of the Art of Music>; |
++ | ['Uyūn al-ḥikma] Synonym: <Sources of Wisdom>; |
++ | [Ḥayy ibn Yaqẓān] Synonym: <Der Lebende, Sohn des Wachenden>, Hayy ibn Yagzan; |
++ | [<Autobiographie>] Synonym: <Lebenslauf>; |
++ | [<Fragmente zur Koran-Exegese>] |
++ | [Aḥwāl al-nafs] |
++ | [Ajwibat 'an 'ashar masā'il] Synonym: <Answers to 10 Questions>; |
++ | [Ajwibat 'an sit 'ashrata masā'il] Synonym: <Answers to 16 Questions>; |
++ | [Ajwibat masă'il sa'ala 'anhā Abū Rīhān] Synonym: <Answers to Questions Asked by Abū Rīhān>, <Correspndence with al-Bīrūnī>; |
+ | [Al-'ahd] Synonym: <The Pact>; |
++ | [Al-'uqūl] Synonym: <The Intellects>; |
+ | [Al-ālāt al-raṣdiyya] Synonym: <Astronomical Instruments>; |
++ | [Al-Ṭayr] Synonym: <The Bird>; |
++ | [Al-ajrām al-'ulwiyya] Synonym: <The Celestial Bodies>; |
++ | [Al-Akhlāq] Synonym: <Ethik>; |
++ | [Al-birr wa 'l-ithm] |
++ | [Al-dhikr] Synonym: <Invocation of God>; |
++ | [Al-du'ā] Synonym: <Prayer of Supplication>; |
++ | [Al-Iksīr] Synonym: <Elixir>; |
- | [Al-inṣāf] Synonym: <Buch des unparteiischen Urteils>, Kitāb al-inṣāf; |
++ | [Al-mabda wa 'l-ma'ād] Synonym: Al-mabda' wa al-ma'ād; |
+ | [Al-majmū'] Synonym: Al-ḥikma al-'Arūḍiyya; |
++ | [Al-Malā'ika] Synonym: <The Angels>; |
+ | [Al-masā'il al-gharbiyya] Synonym: <Occidental Questions>; |
++ | [Al-mawā'iẓ] Synonym: <Ermahnungen>, <Exhortations>; |
++ | [Al-Nīrūziyya] Synonym: <The New Year Treatise>; |
? | [Al-Nabẓ] Synonym: <The Pulse>; |
+ | [Al-Qūlanj] Synonym: <Colic>; |
++ | [Al-Qaḍā wa 'l-qadar] Synonym: <Divine Decree and Predestionation>; |
++ | [Al-Qaṣīda al-'ayniyya] Synonym: <Poem on the Soul>; |
++ | [Al-siyāsa] Synonym: <Politik>; |
++ | [Al-wird al-a'zam] Synonym: <The Most Important Prayer>; |
++ | [Aqwāl al-shaykh fī 'l-ḅikma] Synonym: <Aphorisms of the Shaykh on Wisdom>; |
++ | [Asbāb ḥudūth al-ḥurūf] Synonym: <Causes of the Production of Sounds>, <On Phonetics>; |
+ | [Asbāb al-ra'd] Synonym: <Causes of Thunder>; |
++ | [Ash'ār al-shaykh] Synonym: <Poems of the Shaykh>; |
++ | [Bayān 'illat qiyām al-arḍ fī wasaṭ al-samā] Synonym: <Demonstration of the Cause of the Earth's Position in the Midst of the Heaven>; |
++ | [Dānesh-Nāmeh] Synonym: <Das Buch des Wissens für Ala>, Dānesh-Nāmeh Alā'ī, Danis nama-i Ala'i; |
++ | [Daf' al-maḍār al-kulliyyat 'an al-abdān al-insaniyya] Synonym: <Repulsion of General Harms from Human Bodies>; |
++ | [Fī māhiyyat al-ḥuzn] Synonym: <On the Nature of Sorrow>; |
++ | [Ijābat al-du'ā wa kayfiyyat al-ziyāra] Synonym: <Fulfilment of Prayer, and how to visit Tombs>; |
++ | [Ithbāt al-nubuwwa] Synonym: <Proof of Prophecies>; |
++ | [Kitāb al-Ḥudūd] Synonym: <Book of Definitions>; |
++ | [Kitāb al-Hidāya] Synonym: <Book of Guidance>; |
++ | [Māhiyyat al-ṣalāt] Synonym: <The Quiddity of Prayer>; |
+ | [Maqāla fī 'l-nafs] |
++ | [Masā'il 'an aḥwāl al-rūḥ] Synonym: <Questions on the State of the Spirit>; |
+ | [Mashriqiyyūn] |
+ | [Mubāḥathāt] |
++ | [Naṣā'iḥ al-ḥukamā'i lil-Iskandar] Synonym: <Advices of hte Sages to Alexander>; |
++ | [Risāla al-'arshiyya] Synonym: <Treatise of the Throne>; |
++ | [Risāla al-aḍḥawiyya fī 'l-ma'ād] Synonym: <Treatise on Return>; |
++ | [Risāla al-manāmiyya] Synonym: <Treatise concerning Dreams>; |
++ | [Risāla al-tamjīd] Synonym: <Of Glorification>; |
++ | [Risāla al-wus'a] Synonym: <Treatise of Spaciousness>; |
++ | [Risāla ba'ḍū al-afāḍīl] Synonym: <Threatise of Some Learned Men>; |
++ | [Risāla fī 'l-'ishq] Synonym: <Treatise on Love>, Risāla fī māhīyat al-'ishq; |
++ | [Risāla fī 'l-ṭīb] Synonym: <On Perfume>; |
++ | [Risāla fī 'l-af'āl wa 'l-infī'ālāt] Synonym: <Treatise on Actions and Passions>; |
++ | [Risāla fī 'l-hay'a] Synonym: <On Astronomy>; |
++ | [Risāla fī 'l-nafs] Synonym: <Letter on the Disappearance of the Vain Intelligible Forms after Death>, <Letter on the Soul>; |
+ | [Risāla fī 'l-Sa'āda wa 'l-ḥujaj al-ashara] Synonym: <On Happiness, and the Ten Arguments>; |
-- | [Risāla fī ḥujaj al-muthbitīn lil-māḍī mabda'an zamāniyyan] Synonym: <On the Proof of those who affirm that the Past has a Temporal Beginning>; |
++ | [Risāla fī aqsām al-'ulūm al'aqliyya] Synonym: <On the Division of the Intellectual Sciences>; |
++ | [Risāla ilā al-Barqī] Synonym: <Letter to al-Berqī>; |
++ | [Risāla ilā ibn Kākawayh] Synonym: <Brief an ibn Kākawayh>; |
+ | [Risāla ilā J. al-Kiyā] Synonym: <Brief an al-Kiyā]; |
++ | [Salāmān wa-Absāl] Synonym: <Salmān und Absāl>; |
++ | [Sirr al-qadar] Synonym: <Secret of Destiny>; |
++ | [Siyāsat al-badan wa faḍ ā'il al-sharab] Synonym: <The Conduct of the Body, and the Qualities of Wine>; |
++ | [Ta'aqqub al -mawdi' al-jadalī] Synonym: <Investigation of the Dialectical Topos>; |
++ | [Ta'līqāt] Synonym: Al-Ta'līqāt; |
++ | [Tadbīr al-musāfirīn] Synonym: <Directory for Travellers>; |
++ | [Tadbīr manzil al-'askar] Synonym: <Preparation of the Camp Site of the Army>; |
++ | [Urjūza fī 'l-fuṣūl al-arba'a] Synonym: <Poem on the Four Seasons>; |
+ | [Urjūza fī 'l-manṭiq] Synonym: <Poem on Logic>; |
++ | [Urjūza fīk 'l-tashrīḥ] Synonym: <Poem on Anatomy>; |
++ | [Urjūza laṭīfa fī qadāyā Ibuqrāt al-khams wa 'l-'ishrīn] Synonym: <Elegant Poem on 25 Sentences of Hippocrates>; |
+ | De caelo et mundo Synonym: Liber secundus naturalium; |
+ | De convenientia et differentia scientiarum Synonym: De convenientia et differentia subiectorum; |
++ | De generatione et corruptione Synonym: Liber tertius naturalium; |
-- | De universalibus |
+ | Isagoge Synonym: Capitulum de excitando ad scientias, Capitulum de intrando apud scientias; |
+ | Liber Canonis medicinae Synonym: Al-qānūn fī 'l-ṭibb, Canon medicinae, Liber Canonis; |
++ | ['Uyūn al-Masā'il] Synonym: <Major Questions>; |
++ | [Al-'ilm al-ladunī] Synonym: <Mystic Knowledge>; |
++ | [Al-firdaws fī māhiyya al-insān] Synonym: <Paradise with Respect to the Human Nature>; |
+ | [Majmū' ibn Sīnā al-kubrā] Synonym: <Compendium of Ibn Sīnā "The Older">; |
++ | [Risāla al-alwāḥīyya] Synonym: <Treatise in the Shape of Tables>; |
++ | [Risāla fī ma'rifat al-nafs al-nāṭiqa wa-aḥwālihā] Synonym: <On the Knowledge of the Rational Soul, and its States>; |
? | <Abbreviatio von Aristoteles, De animalibus> Incipit: Et animalium quaedam communicant in membris sicut equus; |
+ | De anima in arte alchemia |
+ | Epistola ad Hasen regem |
++ | [Al-mu'jizāt wa 'l-karāmāt] Synonym: <Miracles and Prodigies>; |
++ | [Daf' al-hamm 'inda wuqū'i al-mawt] Synonym: <Deliverance of Death-fear>; |
++ | [Kalimāt aṣ-ṣufiyya] Synonym: <Sufistic Sayings>; |
++ | [Ma'ārija al-quds fī madārij ma'rifat al-nafs] Synonym: <Stairs of Sanctity in the Degrees of Knowledge of the Soul>; |
++ | [Mi'raj Nāmeh] Synonym: <The Book of Ascent>; |
++ | [Mukhtasar Arisṭū fī 'l-nafs] Synonym: <Summary of Aristotle on the Soul>; |
++ | [Risāla al-mabda wa 'l-ma'ād] Synonym: <Treatise on the Origin and the Return>; |
++ | [Zafar Nāmeh] Synonym: <Book of Victory>; |
++ | De caelo et mundo |
+ | De causis primis et secundis et de fluxu qui consequitur eas Synonym: De intelligentiis, Liber Avicennae in primis et secundis substantiis et de fluxu entis; |
+ | Physiognomia III Incipit: Elegans est nature cognicio ...; |
++ | De actionibus et passionibus qualitatum primarum Synonym: Liber quartus naturalium; |
- | Liber de vegetabilibus Synonym: Septimus de naturalibus, Septimus naturalium; Incipit: Sequitur tractare utiliter de vegetabilibus ...; |
++ | [Najāt] Synonym: <Das Buch der Rettung>, Al-Nagat, Al-najāt min al-gharq fī baḥr al ḍalālāt; |
++ | [Ishārāt wa-Tanbīhāt] Synonym: <Beweise und Behauptungen>, <Das Buch der Anweisungen und Mahnungen>, Al-Isarat wa'-Tanbihat, Kitab al Isarat wa t-tanbihat; |
++ | De diluviis |
++ | Liber de anima seu sextus de naturalibus Synonym: De visu, Liber sextus de collectione naturalium, Liber sextus naturalium; |
+ | Prologus |
++ | Metaphysica Synonym: Collectio quarta de scientia divina, Liber de philosophia prima sive scientia divina; |
+ | De congelatione et conglutinatione lapidum Synonym: De mineralibus, Liber de congelatis; |
+ | Physica Synonym: Collectio secunda naturalium, Liber primus naturalium, Sufficientia, Sufficientia Physicorum; |
? | ? | Sufficientia Synonym: <Buch der Genesung>, <Das Buch der Heilung>, <The Cure>, Assepha, Kitāb al-Shifā'; |
+ | Liber de animalibus Synonym: De natura animalium, Liber octavus de naturalibus, Liber octavus naturalium; |
+ | <Rhetorik-Fragmente> |
++ | Liber meteorum |
+ | Cantica medicinae Synonym: al-Arguza, Cantica de medicina, Urjūza fī 'l-ṭibb; |
+ | De viribus cordis Synonym: Al-adwiya al-qalbiyya, De medicina cordialibus, Risāla al-adwiya al-qalbiyya; |