Mss.: über 67. EA: Basel 1531 (unter dem Namen Wilhelms von Hirschau) [Bezner];
Basel 1563. Ed.: Maurach, G.: Philosophia. Pretoria 1980.
"One of those man who do their best and most original work when they are young [Southern (1980), 79].
A "work of first-class importance which he never substantally added to or improved" [79]. "It was the first attempt in the west to give a systematic account of the whole of nature on the basis of a few simple scientific ideas." [79]. "Rapid diffusion" [80];
1165 in Konstantinopel gelesen.
"The best expression of the scientific interests of a whole generation making for an orderly description of the universe" [80 f.]. 2 Versionen des Autors, 2 Versionen von anderen:
"the domonstrate William's success in summing up the sciece of the pre-Aristotelien age [80]. |