Anonymus (2814)

nicht datiert

original--Expositio Symboli Athanasii
Manuskript: Köln, Dombibl., 45, Monte Cassino, Abbazia 30, München, Bayer. Staatsbibl., Clm 14617, München, Bayer. Staatsbibl., Clm 17181, Prag, Metr. Kap., 585;
Incipit: Quicumque dicitur quia non est deus personarum acceptor. Te adoramus...;
  • Häring, Nicholas M.: Commentaries on the Pseudo-Athanasian Creed, in: Med. Stud. 34 (1972), 208-252.
  • Burn, Andrew E.: The Athanasian Creed and its early Commentaries, Cambridge 1896 [Texts and Studies IV; ND Nendeln / Liechtenstein1967].
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